Fellowship Experience Auction

Nov. 27, 2021 – 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Abundant Life Pentecostal and New Life Foursquare Church are partnering up to present the inaugural 2021 Fellowship Experience Auction. The heart of this event is to create fellowship opportunities between churches, join together for a night of worship, while raising funds for worthy or needed causes.

On Saturday, November 27th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, we will be gathering for a co-led Worship Concert with Entertainment, and raising funds through donation and a silent auction. The auction will boast of a variety of creative and fun ‘experiences’ offered by congregation members, from skill learning to shared activities, to providing services with fellowship in mind. There will be goodies, and hot and cold beverages available for any donation. Funds raised this year will be used to replace a failing soundboard in one of our churches.

We will be limiting the number of those attending the worship concert to those who have RSVP’d their intent to attend, but all are encouraged to come move through the corded off area for bidding as often as they desire. Online bidding will also be available. Covid safety will be exercised. Masks are optional.

RSVP intent to attend the Worship Concert by November 14, 2021 to office@abundantlifepa.com

If you are SUBMITTING a FELLOWSHIP EXPERIENCE, please use the form below. Thank You.

Experience Submission Form

Please supply the physical address of experience, or enter 'Contact me for location details'
How much time is this experience expected to take? (half day, three hours, etc)
Please indicate either the fixed date and time(s) of the experience, or when you are available to fulfill this experience (weekends, daytime, evening, etc)
Enter any other details you feel are important to relate to the bidder. (required clothing, materials needed, experience required, etc).

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