COVID-19 Update Regarding Church Services

Dr. Bonnie Henry spoke directly about the regulations governing the reopening of church services starting next week. She starts speaking about small gatherings at the 6:10 mark of this video, and specifically about faith gatherings at the 11:00 minute mark.

The Church Leadership Team is already in conversation about what this will mean for us, but before we can look at reopening church services, the following will have to be considered;

  1. We will measure out the sanctuary to see how many can fit realistically while maintaining the distancing rules. We would need to poll the church to see how many intend on attending. This may reveal the need to consider having two services, instead of one. As Dr. Bonnie shared, fifty people is the maximum, but may not be practical or wise considering the facility and the needs of the congregation.
  2. Volunteers would have to be in place to sanitize doors, washrooms, and other commonly used functions both before and after service. Without these volunteers, live church services will not happen.
  3. Anyone with sickness would need to remain home, and even asked to leave if they show up sick.
  4. Hand sanitizer would have to be available throughout the building.
  5. After service fellowship would have to maintain the distancing regulations, and possibly be better outside, weather permitting. This would mean no communal coffee (BYOC – Bring Your Own Coffee), or snacks for the time being.

Once the information needed is gathered, and volunteers and supplies obtained, we can look at a start date to return to live services soon.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this post, please comment on this post, or contact Pastor Ken.

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